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why Taliban say I love Hindustan

Hindustan and Afghanistan:- are brothers, we have Talib Bhai here with us, what do you think about India, I love you Hindustan, Hindustan, Afghanistan is brother, you have seen many things on YouTube, about the Afghan people. Love for Indians, we are big fans of India, Afghanistan and India are an example in the world that friend is friend, means brother, brother [music] Bhai cycle baba karke ek youtube, he used to say that every two to four Every kilometer some Afghan would stop them and force them to give them tea and water.


After two kilometers some one or the other would force them to give them tea and drink the tea. In Fiji the grocer gave them all the goods for free. Why not the money? Is he taking it? Tell me, our guest is like a horse right now, he will not only make friends with the grass but will also eat. Will you? Our guest also had the same experience with Indigo Tracker. Thank you with all our heart and love. The shop we went to was Ubaid Bhai.

Afghanistan hates Pakistan fiercely and the people

Afghanistan hates Pakistan fiercely and the people there tell the Indians that Pakistan is our enemy.You attack from one side, we will attack from the other side, Pakistan will be destroyed, that side is our enemy, you attack on this side, I kill, I mean, this is not strange to hear, Afghanistan is an Islamic country where Sharia law is applicable there today. But Taliban is the rule of a terrorist organization, after which many countries believed that the condition of Afghanistan has become worse but despite all this, why does this country love India so much and hate Pakistan equally.


Pakistan and Bangladesh are also neighbors of India,but everyone knows how our relations are with Pakistan and India Out Boycott India is currently active in Bangladesh, so well, to solve this mystery, we have to go back in time to 3300 BC. When the oldest civilization in the world was born, The Indus Valley Civilization, if you see the map of this civilization, it not only had parts of India and Pakistan but also of modern day Afghanistan, Shaut Gayi and Mundigak, all these areas belong to IBC.There was a part and then even after about 2000 years.

Afghanistan have been mentioned in our Vedic stories

Gandhari, who was the mother of Kauravas and the wife of Drita Rashtra, was the daughter of King Subala of Gandha. The word Gandhara is described in the Rig Veda Answer. It has also been mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata that it was considered as the Land of Fragrance and this kingdom extended to the shoulders of modern day Afghanistan. Apart from this, Afghanistan was always a part of united India.


The Morian Empire cushioned on that land for centuries. Many Hindu kings like Empire, Gupta Empire, Sikh Empire and Hindu Shahi Dynasty ruled and its proofs are still present in Afghanistan. There you will still find thousands of Buddhist caves in the city of Bamiyal, where there is also a big Buddha statue which makes Bamiya famous. Buddha says that Shiva’s paintings were also found in this Buddhist cave, but today a lot of evidence has been destroyed there.

Afghanistan have also been taken from Sanskrit

Sanskrit words like bulk is derived from the Sanskrit word nan from girl. Gar Har is derived from the Sanskrit word Nagra Hara and from a Sanskrit word named Kabul Kubha. In fact, there is a complete list of them in which you can see that many of the words which are used in the Pashto language of Afghanistan even today. It is derived from the Sanskrit word So Kah, which means that till the 11th century i.e. till the decline of Hindu Shahi Dynasty, Afghanistan was mostly a Hindu civilization only because we had the same beginning.


By this time, Afghanistan was separated from India religiously and culturally to a great extent, but then a question arises that both Afghanistan and Pakistan are Islamic countries, so how did their relations become so bad? Well, because on 12th November 1893, a very interesting thing happened. So, during this period, the Second Anglo-Afghan War had just ended and in both the Anglo-Afghan Wars, the British had understood one thing very well that whatever kingdom was ruling in Afghanistan was very strong and we could attack them more. They would not be able to maintain their hold for long.

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