what indian hindus don’t hindus in Bangladesh of understand why?

BANGLADESH HINDUS:-However, Indians, and Hindus in the diaspora, have been bombarded with appeals to protect helpless Hindu Bangladesh is from genocide. The far-right has used AI images of rows of dead Bangladeshi Hindus to ask the global Hindu community to keep all eyes on Bangladesh. Far-right Hindu diaspora organisations which have no presence in the Bengali community, are using our Bangladeshi brothers and sisters’ fears to suggest that Sheikh Hasina was the only one protecting Bangladeshi Hindus from genocide.

Muhammad Yunus to Aung San Suu Kyi. Unlike Suu Kyi, who over her many years in power, supported the military in its genocide of the Rohingya, Yunus has roundly rejected anti-minority violence. In fact, Yunus has pleaded for an end to the anti-minority violence in his one week in power. At Dhakeshwari Temple, Bangladesh’s national Hindu temple, Yunus affirmed his dedication to protecting the rights of all. The current Bangladeshi political leadership has shown remarkable compassion and intentionality, unlike leaders interacting with protesters in the rest of South Hindus OF BANGLADESH.

helps of bangladesh hindus

Indian Hindus must take their lead from the response by leaders in Bangladesh calling for support for minorities. Non-Bangladeshi Hindus need to be far more responsible in addressing what is happening to our brethren in Bangladesh. Far-right misinformation drowns out real concerns by Bangladeshi minorities about their safety. Indian misinformation actually makes Bangladeshi Hindus even more vulnerable, as their fears get dismissed as foreign propaganda.

The movement that toppled Sheikh Hasina is not an Islamist revolution. The students at the forefront of the movement are committed, conscientious patriots who wish to see nothing more than a functional, fair, and free Bangladesh. They are democrats and they wish to see a truly democratic Bangladesh, as do all Bangladeshis. They are the furthest thing imaginable from Islamists or militants. Neither is Bangladesh an Islamist country nor a hotbed of militancy.

Muslim majority country OF BANGLADESH

Yes, it is a Muslim majority country, and yes, their religious faith is a key component of the identity of many, possibly most Muslim Bangladeshis. But that doesn’t make them radicals or anything other than God-fearing, law-abiding men and women who simply want to live their lives in peace and in harmony with their neighbours.

Yes, in the initial chaos following Sheikh Hasina’s fleeing, there was a short period of anarchy and lawlessness, and, yes, unfortunately some of those who were targeted were members of the Hindu community. At times like this, those targeted are often the most powerless and as we all know in south Asia, minorities sadly always remain vulnerable. But the notion that Hindus were the subject of some kind of pogrom and that their targeting and dispossession was in fact an integral prong of the revolution is a fiction.

a prime minister OF SHEIKH HASINA

perhaps, for a prime minister who was elected in a landslide in 2008 and who had presided over impressive growth and development during her tenure in office, the ousted PM Sheikh Hasina was a widely feared and reviled figure. Her ruling Awami League was even less popular. In a free and fair election it is doubtful that they could be elected dogcatcher anywhere outside of their political stronghold of Gopalganj, something which the PM understood very well, hence her disinclination to test her popularity at the polls in 2014, 2018, and earlier this year.

If the discontent with her dictatorial rule and the corruption and criminality that came with it were simmering below the surface for years, this boiled over into incandescent anger with her murderous response to the student protests that left hundreds dead, thousands maimed, and the entire country shocked and still coming to terms with the ferocity of the assault perpetrated on its own people by the erstwhile government. She has lost an entire generation, and the AL won’t sniff power again for a decade, possibly much, much longer. Bangladesh is will never forgive her or forget what she did.

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